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- 3150+ relevant high quality questions
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- Good quality explanations written by our doctor team with photographs
- Software written for doctors by doctors (understand needs, implement ideas ASAP)
- Simple and intuitive question interface
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- Meaningful statistics (comparison with overall population on the
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MCQ software |
- Simplicity: Start practicing MCQs with a click of a button:
- User-friendly yet powerful MCQ graphic user interface
- Lots of features to help you improve your MCQ strategy
- Easy navigation between questions (skip a difficult question and come back later to answer it, like you would in the real test):
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- Short explanations with all the key points you need to remember with figures or photographs so that you dont forget!
- Find out if you are a good guesser if you dont know the answer:
- Bookmark difficult questions so that you can do them again just before the exam: